Jose Enrique Rodriguez Martinez

Senior Financial Analyst

Jose Enrique Rodriguez is a professional with 16 years of experience in credit and financial analysis, customer service and personnel management. He is enthusiastic about finding viable solutions to commercial and small business investment needs. He is originally from Nicaragua, with a Bph in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance and Global Business from the Latin American campus of Ave Maria College, Michigan. Additionally, he holds an MBA from Central American University, and a master’s degree in Agribusiness from the American University, both in Nicaragua.  He has 7 years’ experience in credit, supply chain, project management and financial advice with ECOM Trading Nicaragua the second biggest coffee exporter of Nicaragua and 9-year experience in commercial, industrial, and small business credit with BANPRO – Grupo Promerica, as a branch manager in the northern region of the country. In Self he will support in the growth and expansion of our operations.